August 29, 2013 – I have just received notice that my Job Alert from the Job Bank Website has expired (i.e. Assistant Lighthouse Keeper) so I am guessing the competition is now closed. I have renewed it for another three (3) month period – ninety days.
Below is a copy of the form I filled in to receive these alerts. Click on the picture for a larger image. Make sure you check the box under Keyword Criteria “All of these words” or you will received any and all jobs with one of the words Assistant Lighthouse Keeper e.g. Assistant Manager, Assistant Programmer etc.!
To keep up to date first keep checking at the Careers in the Federal Public Service website and enter the data Assistant Lightkeeper and British Columbia in the boxes as shown in the photo below (ie inside the red circles) and hit Quick Search.
When a job opening becomes available, you should be taken to a page the same, or similar to the one at the bottom of this website labelled Lighthouse Keeper – Assistant.
None of the links work on the page below (Lighthouse Keeper – Assistant) as it is just a photo, but you can see the actual page here if it still exists. When a competition is finished Treasury Board (TB) takes the webpage down. I will update the photo when TB posts a new competition.
If the text is too hard to read, hold down the CTRL key (lower left on keyboard) and move the wheel on your mouse forward or back to increase the size. This page below from TB was modified on February 28, 2013.
I have a favour to ask – if you find the Job Search page (above) is working for the Lightkeeper job, and I have not updated the information, please contact me and let me know so I can update the page for others.
One other thing I found is called Job Alert. You can see it in the left-hand column in the photo above. Click on that and you can register for three different jobs and they will email you when a competition becomes available. I have entered my name to see how it works. Be aware, it is only good for 90 days! Make sure you enter the same information as above – Assistant Lightkeeper and British Columbia.
For information on filling out this Job Alert correctly, please see my article here – it is important to check the correct boxes, or the results will be very bad.
There is another Canadian Job Search website available called Job Bank. It appears to be for ALL jobs in ALL of Canada, specifically aimed at new Canadians, but it can also be used to search for a specific job inside and outside the Public Service. below is a photo of the page I did for Lighthouse keeper. It showed “0 jobs available” (September 14, 2012).

And for those that just want to join the Canadian Coast Guard and not the Lighthouse Service, there is the place to apply – How to join the Canadian Coast Guard