Tags are words attached to each story or article that help you find what you are looking for. Selecting one of the tags will bring up the stories that I have tagged with that word. See also CATEGORIES.
[mctagmap columns=”4″ more=”more »” hide=”yes” num_show=”1″ toggle=”« less” show_empty=”no” tag_count=”yes” width=”130″ manual=”#,g,n,u” group_numbers=”yes”]
Popular Tags
1858 1926 art Australia automation BC beachcombing Bed & Breakfast Bonilla
book British Columbia Canada CG Coast Guard deaths Equipment fishing
foghorn government groceries heritage history humour In Memorium Ivory keepers
lighthouse litehouse McInnes misc miscellaneous mise newspapers Nootka Philippines
photos Prince Rupert rescue restoration ships travel Triple USA video wildlife
book British Columbia Canada CG Coast Guard deaths Equipment fishing
foghorn government groceries heritage history humour In Memorium Ivory keepers
lighthouse litehouse McInnes misc miscellaneous mise newspapers Nootka Philippines
photos Prince Rupert rescue restoration ships travel Triple USA video wildlife
This is a Tag Cloud – you can click on a word from from the cloud and it will show a list of stories with that tag.
- columns = 2 (possible values: 1-5)
- hide = no (possible values: yes or no)
- num_show = 5
- more = View more
- toggle = no (possible values: ‘YOUR TEXT’ or no)
- show_empty = no (possible values: yes or no)
- name_divider = | (vertical pipe)
- tag_count = no (possible values: yes or no)
- exclude =
- descriptions = no (possible values: yes or no)
- width = 190 (do not use ‘px’, ’em’, etc)
- equal = no (possible values: yes or no)
- manual = (possible values: blank or a comma seperated list eg: “d, g, t”)
- basic = no (possible values: yes or no)
- basic_heading = no (possible values: yes or no)
- show_categories = no (possible values: yes or no)
- child_of = 0 (values are numeric)
- from_category = (values are numeric)
- show_pages = no (possible values: yes or no)
- page_excerpt = no (possible values: yes or no)
- taxonomy =
- group_numbers = no (possible values: yes or no)
- show_navigation = no (possible values: yes or no)
Explanation of options
- columns: This sets the number of columns to display your tags in. NOTE: if you have less letters than your set number of columns, the plug in will end up inserting an extra closing tag. this will mess up your layout. as of v12.0.4, this should not be an issue
- hide: This tells the list of tags for each letter to cut the list off at the point specified in the ‘num_show’ option.
- num_show: This tells the plug-in how many list items to show on page load.
- more: This will be the text of the link to dispaly more links. Only visible if ‘hide’ is set to ‘yes’ and ‘num_show’ is less than the total number of tags shown in each list.
- toggle: If set to anything except ‘no’, this will tell the ‘more’ link to become a toggle link. The text you set for ‘toggle’ will be the ‘hide’ link text.
- show_empty: If set to ‘yes’, this will display tags in the lists that currently do not have posts associated with them. NOTE: If a post is set to private the tag will still show up in the list but, clicking the link will go to an empty archive unless the user is logged in. This is the same behavoir as clicking a tag link where there is no post to go to. This is not a bug.
- name_divider: This allows for multi-word tags to be sorted by words other than the first word eg. “Edgar Allen Poe” would be sorted under the “E”s. If you write your tag “Edgar Allen | Poe” it will now produce “Poe, Edgar Allen” and be sorted with the “P”s.
- tag_count: If this option is set to “yes”, the number of posts that share that tag will be displayed like “(3)”. The count is wrapped in a span with a class of “mctagmap_count” so that the count can be styled individually in the CSS if desired.
- exclude: A comma seperated, case sensitive list of the tags you do not wish to appear in the lists.
- descriptions: If set to yes, the plugin will create a span and populate it with the tags description. By default the text is set to 90% italics.
- width: The default width (190px) can be set in the shortcode without any need to alter the CSS.
- equal: What this does is makes the horizontal sections equal height based on the tallest in the row. This is only recommended if you are using the “hide” option. Look at the first image in the screenshots page for a better example.
- manual: Each letter will create the begining of a new column. Exmple: ‘manual=”e, h, t”.’ This will create four columns (a-d, e-g, h-s and t-z+numbers). Writing “a, e, h, t” will have the same effect. The “columns” option is ignored as the “manual” setting creates the columns based on your input.
- basic: This removes all the alphanumeric headings. It then splits your columns by the number of tags rather than the number of headings. See screenshot “The ‘basic’ option”. The “more”, “hide”, “num_show”, “toggle”, and “equal” are ignored when using the “basic” option.
- basic_heading: Turns the alphanumeric headings on or off in the basic mode.
- show_categories: if set to “yes”, the plugin will list categories instead of tags.
- taxonomy: If you enter a taxonomy, the plugin will only display tags from that taxonomy.
- group_numbers: If set to “yes”, this will group all tags beginning with a number together. They will then be put under one heading of “#” in the list.
- show_navigation: If set to “yes”, a div will be added before your lists with jump links to the corresponding heading. See screen shot #7.
- child_of: if show_categories is set to “yes”, you can input a comma delimited list of category IDs eg, “2, 215, 209” and so on.
- from_category: You can enter a single numeric ID of a category and it will only sort tags from that category. See “Theme Addition” under Additional Options.
- show_pages: If set to “yes” this will list pages instead of tags.
- page_excerpt: If set to yes and you have set a page excerpt, this will display the excerpt in the same way you can display tag descriptions.[/private]