How to Apply to Become a Canadian Lighthouse Keeper
– updated July 17, 2011
Because this website on lighthouse keeper memories is read by many people, I occassionally receive questions about how to become a lighthouse keeper.
Please go to the Careers in the Public Service website.
Once you are on the “Search for Jobs” site, enter “lighthouse keeper” in the orange box #1 (What: Job title keywords).
Next select “British Columbia” in the blue box #2 (Where: )
Finally click on the red box #3 (Quick Search), and if all works well, you should come up with one (1) search result – mine showed:
Lighthouse Keeper – Assistant Inventory Canadian Coast Guard (an Agency of Fisheries and Oceans Canada) Various Locations $34,689
Clicking on the link above will take you to a page of requirements.
Grades (and pay scales) run from one to nine with a Principal Keeper usually starting at grade 5 or 6 and an Assistant at grade 1 to 4. The position above is for an assistant keeper grade 3
(cached photo of lightkeeper pay scales here)
(cached photo of lightkeeper job application here)
1. Can a husband and wife team be hired these days? Yes, but only one of them will be on pay.unless they both apply and are accepted.
2. Can a wife find work on the lighthouse? Yes, usually when the station is short one person due to holidays or sickness.
3. Can a woman become a lighthouse keeper? Yes, the PSC “promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman”.
4. If I indicate that I am a woman, does this give me more of an advantage? No, the PSC selects each person based on knowledge, ability and personal suitability.
5. If my wife and I both applied and won would we be sent to the same lighthouse? No, there is only one principal and one assistant keeper per station. It would be a very odd situation if both positions came open at the same time.
6. If my wife and I were sent to different lighthouses could we have time off together? Yes, if approved by the department and if it fit in with other station leave plans.
7. Is a lighthouse lonely? Only if you make it so.