

What Do They Do With an Old Coast Guard Boat?

The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) has had many ships since it began – the old and the new. CCG is constantly replacing old ships with a newer version as is mentioned below: Newest Canadian Coast Guard ship named for fallen soldier Jun 09, 2014  but what does the CCG do with the old ships? Many are […]

Fishing Boats of the BC Coast

Fishing boats do not have anything to do with lighthouses you say! Well they do, because without fishing boats (plus vessels of other types) and the men that man them we would have no need for manned lighthouses, so fishing boats are important for lighthouses and the British Columbia (BC) economy. Trolling, Seining, Gillnetting – […]

Shiny New Guest Blogger, Bearing a Letter

Hi all. Our lovely blog master asked if I would make a guest post now and then, and, since the world as I appreciate it is where everyone listens to me, of course I said “yes!” By way of introduction, I’ll post a letter that I sent to Hon. Mr. Keith Ashfield, Minister of the […]

MCTS To Lose Staff To Save Money

For those of you that do not know, MCTS (Marine Communications and Traffic Services)  is “the Branch of the Canadian Coast Guard that provides communications and vessel traffic services to the sea-going public”.  “MCTS monitors for distress radio signals; provides the communications link between vessels in distress and the JRCC/MRSC; sends safety information; handles public […]