

Lightkeeper Retirement Homes

No, this does not refer to retirement homes such as you are imagining for senior citizens. This is a fictitious tale of what I imagine a lightkeeper might look for in a home when he retires. None of these homes are actually inhabited by a lighthouse keeper, as far as I know, but they appealed to me […]

Severance Pay for Retiring Lightkeepers is Finished!

You all know what severance pay is do you not? Severance pay is pay (and sometimes benefits) an employee receives when he or she leaves employment. Severance pay is most typically offered for employees who are laid off or retire. Just recently the the Canadian Government, Treasury Board Branch, has forcibly modified the collective agreements of these three groups PA, […]

Ed and Pat Kidder Retire from Nootka Lightstation

Ed and Pat Kidder Retire from Nootka Lightstation When a water taxi took the latest Coast Guard retirees from Friendly Cove to Gold River on May 3rd, a lightkeeping era ended. Over their 42 year career on the lights—the last 33 at Nootka lightstation—B.C.’s senior keepers Ed and Pat Kidder have seen many technical and political changes. […]