

Minnie Patterson and the “Coloma” off Cape Beale 1906

– Reprinted  courtesy of The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Cape Beale, . . . a lighthouse which later came to notice in a gallant and romantic rescue resulting from the actions of Mr. and Mrs. Paterson who kept the light from 1895 to 1908. In December 1906, the United States barque Coloma left […]

New Threat to Lighthouses Illuminated

Reprinted with permission from Jack Knox, Times Colonist *************************** New threat to lighthouses illuminated By Jack Knox, Times Colonist April 3, 2012 Imagine the fuss if the owner of a 152-year-old downtown heritage building just walked away from the structure, allowed it to crumble. But the Race Rocks lighthouse isn’t downtown. It’s plunked in the waters […]