

Mise Tales Thirty-Six

  For an update on what a Mise Tale is then please see Mise Tales One. ***************************** [youtube url=”http://youtu.be/b3e7CDg8a3g”] Here is a great video taken on board the Coast Guard ship CCGS Sir Wilfred Laurier as it services the mountain-top radio sites using the onboard helicopter. Great shots of the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwai) and the old lighthouse […]

Haida Gwaii

Haida Gwaii (High-Da Gwi my pronunciation) literally means “Islands of the Haida People”, informally but formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands (QCI) and the Charlottes, is an archipelago on the North Coast of British Columbia, Canada, populated mostly by first nations Haida people. Langara Point Lighthouse courtesy of Langara Fishing Adventures on Flickr